One of PWN Global’s key missions is to encourage mentoring among members, and to encourage members to seek out senior mentors both within and outside their companies. PWN’s mentoring program is one of the “shining stars” of our network.

Mentoring is recognized as a cost-effective and impactful way to prepare future business leaders. In the past three years, 60% of people who participated in a PWN mentoring programme have gone on to achieve their life change goal, including promotions and career changes.

Meet our mentors!

PWN Mentorship Program


In 2018, we are happy to announce that this year, Kjell Ribert, from Ribert Culture and Communication, will collaborate with the Mentoring Program on providing training for our mentors.

Through this series of training, our mentors will learn how to build a trusting relationship, how to ask relevant questions to discover issues and limiting beliefs, communication techniques, conflict resolution, goal setting among other important subjects.

Ribert Culture and Communication offersservices and expertise in the areas of human resources development and conflict resolution, cross-cultural management, diversity awareness training and, individual empowerment. 

For more information:

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