PWN Netherlands Lunch & Learn: "How to Bounce Forward from Adversity"

13 September 2024 12:00 CEST - 13:30 CEST Online via Zoom

Have you experienced an unexpected job layoff or demotion? Endured the emotional turmoil of a divorce or significant relationship break-up? Received a highly critical performance review or feedback? Had an innovative and meticulously thought-through proposal outright rejected? Coped with the grief of losing a parent, close friend, or cherished pet? Faced a chronic illness or a serious health diagnosis? Or experienced professional burnout? 

Unfortunately, hardships are part of our shared human experience.  

And when faced with such challenges, it's natural to want to overcome them. Maybe you’ve already managed to bounce back. But what if there was more than just bouncing back? 

What if you could bounce forward? 

Bouncing forward from adversity means that, even though you would rather not have had to endure these hardships, your present perspective empowers you to recognise the growth and positive outcomes that have emerged from the experience. It’s about moving beyond mere recovery to a place of renewed strength and insight. 

Join the highly interactive workshop to learn how to bounce forward and build resilience. You'll learn to embrace your emotions and fully integrate this new perspective into your life, allowing you to see the adversity as a fertile soil for personal growth.  

During this Lunch & Learn, lead by PWN Netherlands Premium Member Marjolein van der Kruk, you will gain: 

  • Insight into three instinctive yet self-sabotaging thoughts we have during adversity. 

  • Three practical tools to help you bounce forward, whether you're currently facing challenges or reflecting on past experiences. 

  • Guidance on three phrases to avoid ('When life gives you lemons make lemonade.' is one of them!) and three supportive sentences when you genuinely want to support someone going through difficult times. 


About the trainer: 

After having lost her best friend in 2020 to breast cancer, Marjolein van der Kruk has turned her pain into purpose and pivoted her innovation and leadership business. She is now devoting her work to helping people become their own best friend, as an Inner Leadership Coach. She brings together a blend of expertise from 18 years of corporate experience in leadership positions, her training and practice as a Co-Active Coach, her role as a senior leadership trainer for the School of Leadership, and her certificates in Applied Positive Psychology and Emotional Intelligence.  Reach out to Marjolein via LinkedIN:


Event details

Online via Zoom

Member price
€0 per attendee
Non-member price
€10 per attendee
Other details
You will receive in your emails the Zoom link to join after registration!
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  • Ms Marjolein van der Kruk
    Professional Co-Active Coach Blue Flamingo

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